Welcome, Hey Y'all! - saysomethingteez

Welcome, Hey Y'all!

Heyyyy yall!!!!!!  As many of you know, a little over a  year ago in the midst of a global pandemic I sold  a tshirt that I thought would just be a 1 time thing.  I legit thought that this one design would do its thing and then it would be OVER WITH and I was perfectly ok with that.  I mean, we were in the middle  of a pandemic and stuck in the house so it was a welcomed distraction of what was going on in the world around me. 

I remember after things started to look like Say Something could be a legit business, I told my mom I was SO NERVOUS!!  She said to me, “let me tell you something, in life there are seasons.  There are rough seasons, there are some ok seasons and there are seasons when things are really good. This is your good season, ENJOY IT! Ride it as long as you can!” I still cant quite say what was bigger for me, her faith in the business or the faith that she had (and still has) in me to make it happen.  What I do know is that after she spoke those words to me, PEACE came immediately.  Peace is and has been my gauge for a very long time to  know if my right is right. The kind of peace that really, truly surpasses all understanding because on EVERYTHING I love, THIS is the mind blowing peace that I don’t understand but gladly accept. 

Real talk yall, I’m just out here trusting God. Lean not unto your own understanding…faith without works is dead, you have not because you ask not, your cup runneth over, mount up like eagles, run and not be weary, walk and not faint….and so much more has taken on an entirely new meaning for me.  Whewwwwwwwwww I am SO FULL!!!!!! Thank you big God and thank you to all of you who have supported me, pushed me, challenged me and been so very patient with me. I have so much gratitude in my heart. It is my prayer that you feel it and the fruit is visible.

Now, are you ready to get TEEZED?  The Say Something Teez store is now open!!!! Please visit us at www.saysomething.biz Look around, I hope there is something that you love.  Stay tuned there is more to come!


Tori G